noviembre 01, 2011

Another vintage mini

I made this mini using the "timeless" paper collection from Kaisercarft. As for the construction, I followed the tutorial that Anne has done in a video at her YT Channel "xannero". I didn't make it exactly as she shows but very similar.
I had a lot of fun while making this mini because I really loved the papers and enjoyed working with them. There are tons of tags that are shown in a video uploaded soon at my YT channel .

Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: Here is the link to Anne's tutorial:

Thanks for reading and commenting :-D

9 comentarios:

  1. ohhh those papers and beautiful combination of colors

  2. Thanks Olga!!! practicant angles? jajjajajjajaja ;-D

  3. Te ha quedado preciosos ,magnifico.
    Donde puedo encontrar el tutorial que dices.

  4. Gracias Mila por tu comentario. El tutorial esta en el canal de YT de Anne. Te pongo el link al video aqui (tiene dos partes, esta es la 1. Luego sigue el 2 que esta a continuacion en su lista de videos):

  5. Es una pasada de mini-álbum. Me encanta.

  6. Gracias Gloria! Estoy empezando a descubrir los blogs "espanyoles" y aunque suene "tonto" me alegra un monton poder leer scrapbooking en castellano/catalan. Los tutorials que he encontrado inspiran muchisimo.

  7. Es precioso. Una auténtica 'joya'. ¡¡Me encanta!!
